Save Time
Just click and place the order process will save your time.
Stock Availability
Users can easily find out available stocks and place the order. No disappointments.
Cherry Pick
Users can see the all last ordered items in the same window and place the order using those products.
Delivery Date & Time
Users will have a chance to select a preferred delivery date and time slot at the checkout.
Email Notification
As soon as order placed user receives an email with all the order information.

Easy to Use
The app is very user-friendly and easy to place the orders.
Re-Order System
Users will be able to use reorder option to make the same previous orders they placed.
Custom Reorder
Users have an option to Re-Order the previous cart and if they need to add more products they can use custom re-order option.
Add New Addresses
Users can add different addresses to each order. That will be helpful when you order for different places.
Daily Reminders
Users will receive daily reminder push notification incase if they forgot to place the order for next day delivery.